V360® Youthful face 

Ready for a wrinkle-free face, smooth forehead, full lips, firm cheeks, firm eyelids, one chin instead of a double one? Do you want to get rid of deep wrinkles above your nose and around your mouth? And all of it without Botox and plastic surgery? 

If your answer is yes, then V360® Youthful face is here for you.

Thanks to an easy activation of face muscles, which you can practice discreetly anytime and anywhere, you will learn how to keep your face young-looking.

This product is currently available only as individual coaching for 1-2 ladies.

“Live”, online, via ZOOM.

Before applying for V360® Youthful face, it is necessary to have gone through at least the first 7 lessons of the pre-recorded online Course “V360body® Healthy sitting & Sun Salutation on a chair“.


1 client....297 € (price valid from February 5, 2024)

2 clients...157.9 €/ client (price valid from June 6, 2024)

Included in the price:

* At least for 1 year after completing the program V360® Youthful face and your access will continue after 1 year for the lifetime of the website / video.