V360® Slim

Slim without diets and counting calories? Yes!

Slim without torturing your body with compulsive overexercising? Yes!

Online program via ZOOM for 1-2 clients 

In case of questions/ interest, please reach out to me HERE.


Price (valid from May 19, 2024)

1 client….789 €

2 clients…479 €/ client 

* At least for 1 year after completing the Program and your access will continue after 1 year for the lifetime of the website / videos.

My Slim Story


What did my clients write about V360® Slim

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I will by playing this “slimming” meditation every day. I relaxed extremely during it and not only because of the pleasant voice of our Veronika, but especially thanks to the valuable content. I feel that I can handle everything with greater ease. Thank you and I highly recommend.


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